Full Steam Ahead for Liza Phase 2 Subsea & Umbilical Equipment

October 2019

Manufacturing has begun for the Liza Phase 2 subsea equipment at TechnipFMC (TFMC) in Brazil. Assembly and testing of first Phase 2 subsea tree and first tubing head spool has been completed. Trees 2 through 4 are currently undergoing assembly and testing. Production will ramp up in the coming months in order to complete the 30 subsea tree systems that will be used in the project. Structural fabrication is also progressing well for the water alternating gas (WAG) manifolds at DELP, TFMC’s fabrication contractor located in Belo Horizonte.

At Spitzer Industries in Houston, pipe welding is ongoing for the Phase 2 production manifolds as pipe, valves and components continue to arrive on site from suppliers around the world. In addition, fabrication has commenced on the eight suction piles which will be used as foundations for the four production manifolds and four WAG manifolds on the project.

Liza Phase 2 subsea tree and tubing head stackup in Rio

Testing team at UCOS, from left to right: Shaqueem Lam, Marcelo Garani, Pedro Zupi, Daniel Persaud and Fabrico Elias

TFMC has started assembly of the controls distribution equipment in Houston. Assembly is in progress for the steel flying leads that provide control, power and communications throughout the subsea wells and seafloor equipment. Manufacturing of the steel flying lead umbilical is complete, with termination and testing of the steel flying leads currently in progress.

Assembly of the subsea distribution units is ramping up in the coming months. At UCOS in California, the topsides controls cabinets are assembled and factory acceptance testing of the subsea software is in progress. The cabinets will be delivered to SBM in Singapore in January for integration into the Unity FPSO control room.

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