Liza Phase 2 Fabrication Continues, Team Prepares for Offshore Installation Campaign
January 2020
The team achieved an important strategic milestone during 4Q19 as OSI completed the manufacturing, testing, and delivery of all 14 riser hangoff receptacles to the SBM shipyard in Singapore. The engineering contractors successfully collaborated to achieve on-time delivery – an excellent example of the One Team approach and building on the foundations established by the Liza Phase 1 Team! The receptacles will be stored at the Keppel shipyard for future integration into the FPSO. OSI now shifts their focus to fabrication and completion of the riser flex joint assemblies.
During 4Q, Sumitomo completed all linepipe fabrication and shipped the final delivery to Shawcor for coating. Shawcor is performing the pipe coating activities at their facilities in Channelview, Texas and Veracruz, Mexico.
Coated Linepipes stacked at Shawcor’s facility in Veracruz, Mexico.
The manufacturing of buoyancy modules and VIV strakes continues to progress per schedule. Preparations are now underway to ship all of these riser and flowline elements from their global manufacturing locations to staging locations in Trinidad and Guyana in preparation for the 2020 offshore installation activities. These components are utilized in the riser and flowline system to mitigate the high stresses and fatigue impacts imposed by the deep waters offshore Guyana.
Fabrication of the subsea structures continued to progress per plan at Gulf Island Services during 4Q19. The first batch of FLETs/PLETs/ITAs commenced hydrotesting activities in preparation for their January loadout. Saipem continued fabrication work on the pipeline walking mitigation structures at its Intermare yard in Sardinia, Italy, and confirmed the jumper kits will also be fabricated at its Intermare yard, leveraging the growing capabilities at this location.
Balmoral’s Facility showing the Liza Phase 2 Buoyancy Modules in Yellow
In preparation for the 2020 offshore installation campaign, the team completed the FDS2 installation and design review and risk assessment. The FSD2 vessel is planned to mobilize during 1Q20. Also, during 4Q, Saipem led a “We Want Zero” workshop with participation by EM and subcontractors. The workshop challenged the team to build on the established safety culture as the project transitions into the installation phase. Saipem continues their Perfect Days record for Liza Phase 2 and has achieved well over 1 full year of perfect days. Saipem considers a Perfect Day one where all employees and contractors go home safely, the environment is not harmed, and no damage to assets is recorded.
Saipem’s Want Zero Safety
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