In November, SBM Offshore was awarded a partial release of the EPC1 contract for the Payara FPSO to progress engineering, procurement planning and construction of the FPSO hull. The Payara FPSO is to be named Prosperity, which was selected to represent the project’s development of four discoveries in offshore Guyana: Payara, Liza Deep, Liza North, and Pacora. The project team has mobilized to SBM’s office in Schiedam, Netherlands and engineering activities are underway. In the coming months, SBM will begin preparations for issuance of purchase orders for long-lead equipment and major packages that will be awarded following the final investment decision.
SBM will use their Fast4Ward concept, which enables the delivery of a large FPSO at an accelerated schedule. The Fast4Ward hull is a standard design with the flexibility to be utilized for projects across the deepwater market. The FPSO for Payara will be designed to produce 220,000 barrels of oil per day, will have associated gas treatment capacity of 400 million cubic feet per day, and water injection capacity of 250,000 barrels per day.
Prosperity will utilize a design that largely replicates the design of the Unity FPSO from the Liza Phase 2 project. This replication results in significant efficiencies during the engineering and procurement stages of the project and provides additional execution certainty. During 4Q19, the Payara FPSO HAZOP was completed and the process took about half the time required for the Liza Phase 2 FPSO HAZOP – just one example of where the “Design One, Build Many” model is proving advantageous!
The initial release with SBM includes delivery of the MPF2 hull, that is under construction at the Shanghai Waigaoqiao Shipyard (SWS) in China. At the SWS yard, the Payara project is able to share resources and capitalize on the lessons learned from Liza Phase 2 in order to optimize project execution. Construction of the MPF2 hull is progressing well and is already 65% complete. The team has nearly completed the assembly of the structural elements of the hull and is preparing to set the accommodation block in 1Q20. The MPF2 is planned to relocate from dry dock to quay side during the first quarter for mechanical completion and commissioning that will continue into the fall of 2020.
MPF2 during Dry Dock Construction at the SWS Yard
Construction of the MPF Accommodation Block at the SWS Yard
A joint sponsors meeting was held during the fourth quarter at the SWS yard. Leadership from ExxonMobil, SBM, and SWS discussed the status, future plans, and challenges for the project. The SBM and ExxonMobil team shared the Prosperity FPSO aligned vision of success and sponsors from ExxonMobil, SBM and SWS signed the banner in recognition of the shared vision across the team. The project is off to a great start!
ExxonMobil, SBM, and SWS Participants during the Joint Sponsors Meeting
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