Three key workshops were held during the last two quarters of 2019: the Operations Readiness Review (ORR), the SBM Pre-Startup Audit, and the Pre-Safety Startup Review (PSSR). These workshops helped to identify any gaps and focus the team on what needed to be accomplished prior to startup and the introduction of hydrocarbon. After completion of the three reviews, the team was comfortable that hydrocarbons can be safely introduced and the team moved into stand-by to await start-up.
The ORR was held in August to ensure the Operations organization, plans, and procedures are in place to support production. The team consisted of 11 members from ExxonMobil’s Upstream Oil & Gas and Global Projects organizations as well as from partners Hess and CNOOC. The team’s collective wisdom exceeded 200 years of experience in areas such as production, maintenance, systems completions, logistics, reservoir, and asset management. The One Team approach was very evident during the review as the team openly shared knowledge and leveraged their years of experience in order to help achieve a successful Liza Phase 1 Operations Readiness. No surprises were identified during the ORR and all of the action items were closed out during the fourth quarter.
In October, SBM led a pre-startup audit to ensure the FPSO is start-up ready. The audit was very detailed and thorough and the number of findings was significantly lower than would be expected for an FPSO. The audit findings were prioritized and the team has closed out any items that require completion prior to start-up. The remaining findings will be completed post first oil.
The final review was an ExxonMobil lead Pre-Safety Startup Review (PSSR) in November. The walkdown focused on safe interaction and operability of systems throughout commissioning, start-up and continuous operations. The walkdown was focused but not be limited to several major packages such as power generation, subsea controls, and gas compression trains. All findings that required completion prior to start-up were closed out during the fourth quarter, and the PSSR confirmed the conclusion from the SBM led audit – the Liza Phase 1 project is start-up ready.
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